- reduction in sales
- уменьшение объёма продаж
English-Russian dictionary of terminology cable technology.
English-Russian dictionary of terminology cable technology.
Sales taxes in the United States — are a tax added onto the price of goods or services that are purchased in the United States. A sales tax is a tax on consumption, which is displayed as a percentage of the sale price. Sales taxes are assessed by every state except Alaska,… … Wikipedia
reduction — noun ADJECTIVE ▪ big, considerable, great, large, major, marked, significant, substantial ▪ The changes may result in a greater reduction in employee numbers than we had previously … Collocations dictionary
sales — the total value of goods sold or revenue from services rendered. Glossary of Business Terms * * * The amount of goods or services sold by a company in a given period. Also known as revenue or turnover. * * * Ⅰ. sales ► [U] WORKPLACE the… … Financial and business terms
Sales promotion — Marketing Key concepts Product marketing · Pricing … Wikipedia
sales — Reflecting consumers’ invincible conviction that they can buy what they want at bargain prices, and also shop owners’ readiness, to cut profit margins in order to increase turnover and improve liquidity by shifting stocks that have not yet… … Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture
reduction — /rɪ dʌkʃən/ noun an act of making something smaller or less ● Reduction in demand has led to the cancellation of several new projects. ● The company was forced to make reductions in its advertising budget. ● Price reductions have had no effect on … Dictionary of banking and finance
reduction — /rɪ dʌkʃən/ noun making something smaller or less ● Reduction in demand has led to the cancellation of several new projects. ● The company was forced to make job reductions. ● The company was forced to make reductions in its advertising budget. ● … Marketing dictionary in english
reduction in prices — lowering of prices (discounts, sales, markdowns, etc.) … English contemporary dictionary
Mobile emission reduction credit — Energy portal A mobile emission reduction credit (MERC) is an emission reduction credit generated within the transportation sector. The term “mobile sources” refers to motor vehicles, engines, and equipment that move, or can be moved, from place… … Wikipedia
Mobile Emission Reduction Credit (MERC) — A Mobile Emission Reduction Credit (MERC) is an emission reduction credit generated within the transportation sector. The term “Mobile Sources” refers to motor vehicles, engines, and equipment that move, or can be moved, from place to place. [ US … Wikipedia
Massachusetts Sales Tax Relief Act — Elections in Massachusetts Federal government Presidential elections 1972 · 2000 · 2004 · 2008 Presidential primaries … Wikipedia